Home Health What Types of Drug Rehab Are Available?

What Types of Drug Rehab Are Available?

Drug rehab is a combination of counseling, testing, education, and treatment that is meant to find, identify, and successfully treat emotional addiction to illicit drugs (including alcohol) by changing the brain chemistry of the addicted individual. There are four main categories of drug rehab programs: outpatient rehab, inpatient, residential rehab, or extended care. The various types of rehab can be broken down by region:

Inpatient The patient may not live at the drug rehab center. The inpatient type of rehab is typically a short-term commitment where the patient will be kept in the facility under close medical monitoring 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The patient will normally have to participate in aftercare services such as counseling and AA meetings. The inpatient treatment may include a few days in the hospital for observation before discharge. The typical day of inpatient treatment includes a physical exam, a thorough medical screening, medication management, a psych assessment, and final detoxification from an out-patient facility.

Inpatient Residential treatment centers are more common for long-term drug addiction recovery than shorter term programs. The residential program follows the same clinical guidelines as the inpatient program. The outpatient treatment is more flexible, allowing the patient more choice regarding his or her treatment. The outpatient rehab is also the preferred treatment when a loved one must get treatment for his or her own mental health issues unrelated to the drug addiction recovery process.

Inpatient An inpatient program can include participation in counseling and support groups as well as participation in one-on-one counseling sessions. It is not uncommon for family and friends to drop in on an inpatient during the recovery process. Family and friends who have been staying in constant contact with the sufferer during the drug rehab programs may have an emotional and professional rapport that is beneficial to the process.

Outpatient The outpatient services offer more freedom and flexibility for the patients. These programs are designed to allow the individual to function without constant supervision. Although some patients have become addicted to their inpatient rehabbing treatment, many patients complete the program successfully with no desire to return to their alcohol addiction.

Both inpatient and outpatient programs are based on the 12-step program of recovery. There is no cure for alcohol addiction; only complete recovery from the disease. Drug rehabs are successful when the recovery plan includes a 12-step program. The 12-step program is modeled after the Christian religion and emphasizes self-revelation, spiritual growth, accountability, and daily discipline. The program enables the individual to develop a sense of personal responsibility and accountability for his or her life.

Detoxification therapy focuses on the cause of the substance abuse, offering techniques for coping with cravings and breaking addictions. During the detoxification process, medical professionals monitor the patient and monitor progress. Some medications are used to reduce the cravings for the addictive substances, while others are used to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms. Psychological counseling is also offered to help addicts gain a sense of purpose and relevancy to living a sober lifestyle.

phoenix detox

The majority of individuals that enter a substance abuse and/or addiction treatment facility need some type of community involvement. The treatment process for drug rehab facilities is much more effective if those entering attend an inpatient setting, as the family and friends of the patient are less likely to be able to participate. In outpatient rehabs, families and friends can attend in outpatient counseling sessions. These sessions offer information and general socializing that can lead to positive change within the patient’s life. This type of counseling is beneficial for recovering addicts because it gives them a chance to open up and share experiences and feelings without feeling self-conscious or judged.


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