Why Does Servant Leadership work? According to Robert K. Greenleaf, in his article, The Servant as Leaders, servant leadership centers on the obligation of the leader not only to secure the school’s success but also a broader responsibility to his or her followers and stakeholders such as, providing a sense of security, providing a sense of belonging, taking charge, leading by example, communicating effectively, setting standards, setting rules, rewarding accomplishment and correcting misbehaviors. It is important that the leaders serves as role model to their subordinates and provides a steady and constant motivation. They should be trustworthy, sensitive, compassionate, and provide a positive influence.
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While most schools employ this type of leadership style, it has been found to be less effective than the classic form of leadership. A student may become more comfortable in the classic leadership style, while others are more comfortable under the servant leadership style. Both styles share similar characteristics of involving an internal check on the performance by the followers of a leader, setting high standards, offering a positive influence, providing a sense of security, providing a sense of belonging, taking charge, communicating effectively, setting rules, rewarding achievement and correcting misbehavior. However, the main dissimilarity between the two leadership styles lies on the fact that the student tends to feel more safe when under the leadership of the teacher/managers and that the student tends to take less responsibility when he/she is under the control of the leader.
There are numerous other servant leadership traits such as sharing responsibility for failures, providing an honest evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of others, helping others by setting examples, and motivating people. Some other leaders also help their subordinates by guiding them into success and helping them reach goals. This type of leadership helps the leaders communicate effectively with each other. It enables them to set up clear expectations, work efficiently and develop plans in order to achieve these goals.